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Writer's pictureFutileWayfarer

Thomas Jefferson: Rapist, Pedophile, President, Author of the Declaration Of Independence

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson Via Twitter

Thomas Jefferson was a lot of things. For a long time his descendants argued that there was no intimate relationship between Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemmings. Of course, DNA technology moved that wrong. Now they are saying it was a "loving" relationship due to the fact that she was with him for 38 years. Hmmm. She was a piece of property…and 14 years old the first time they were intimate (Jefferson was in his 40's). How much choice did she really have? And no…I am not buying that it was a different era…that's the way it was…blah…blah. Acceptable standards are decided by those in power. For thousands of years, primarily white christian men determined what was acceptable. We have been conditioned to view this behavior as…"just the way it was back then." Perhaps so, but then we should take those sorts of activities in to account when we discuss these individuals. Older men having relationships with young women and children?.…of course these cretins deemed that acceptable! It was not…or ever will be…acceptable human behavior.


Monticello and slavery
Monticello Via NewYorkTimes

Even Monticello is starting to shed light on these other aspects of Jefferson's legacy. So what makes Jefferson different than Robert E. Lee….or Jefferson Davis…or J.E.B Stuart? You decide. Was Jefferson a hypocrite? I mean he wrote those famous words "all men are created equal" yet he was a slaveowner. There are indications that Jefferson was against slavery…yet he held on to his slaves his entire life. It has also been written that Jefferson figured slavery would eventually die out on its own…Hmmm. I'm not buying it. That would be like Jefferson thinking the English rule of the American colonies would eventually die out..on it's own. Somehow..Jefferson doesn't strike me as a guy willing to sit back and "wait for things to happen". Let's just call it the way we see it. Jefferson had slaves because it was financially advantageous for his "little mountain". He had free child labor to work in his nail factory. He had available and compliant female companionship. He freed no slaves in his will. Sally Hemmings was eventually released by Jefferson's daughter Martha.


Monument to freedom Latvia
Monument To Freedom Latvia Via WikimediaCommons

So what do we do then when it comes to statues, monuments etc. and figures like Jefferson. One could argue that Americans are recognizing his numerous contributions to the country. But other people could say that a statue of Robert E. Lee is recognizing his valor during some battle in the Mexican War in 1847. To be honest, I have never been a fan of statues and monuments to people..which miraculously seem to be overwhelmingly dead white guys. I much prefer homages to ideas. Or to people that made real sacrifices…like Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War. No one would consider tearing down the Statue of Liberty. Why? Because it represents an idea that most of us can agree with…well maybe not all. Perhaps it's time to rethink the whole fanboy hero worship of some of these people.

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marge k.
marge k.

Thomas Jefferson etc. You said it all. Old white men raping young girls is wrong now and it was 200 years ago. It's time we took our blindfolds off and quit spewing the same old drivel about "things" being different then. Like hell. Our fearless leaders just took advantage of the less fortunate and it is the same today!

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